
# Prepare the Development Environment

This chapter will introduce how to integrate the SDK into a project you created.

# Prerequisites

# Create a macOS project

Follow the steps below to create a macOS project. If you already have a macOS project, you can directly check the step of integrating JC SDK.

  • Open Xcode and click Create a new Xcode project.

  • Select the project type as Cocoa App and click Next.

  • Enter the project information, such as project name, development team information, organization name and language, and click Next.


If you have not added the information of development team, click [Xcode] -> Preferences… -> Accounts, click the plus sign in the lower left corner and follow the on-screen prompts to log in your Apple ID. After that, you can choose your account as the development team.

  • Select the project storage path and click Create.

  • Go to the TARGETS\Project Name\Signing & Capabilities menu and check Automatically manage signing.

# Integrate SDK

The dynamic library used on the mac integrates SDK.

  1. Unpack and open the downloaded JC SDK dynamic library, including the JCSDKOC.framework file in the sdk file directory.

  2. Copy the sdk folder to the directory where your project is located.

  3. Import SDK

    Click ‘General’ and the ‘+’ symbol in the “Embedded Binaries” column, then import JCSDKOC.framework under the JCSDK folder.

  4. Import SDK dependency library

    Continue to click the ‘+’ symbol to import the following system dependency libraries:

    • AudioToolbox.framework

    • VideoToolBox.framework

    • AVFoundation.framework

    • CFNetwork.framework

    • CoreMedia.framework

    • CoreVideo.framework

    The effect after importing is as follows:


  5. Set path

    Click ‘Build Settings’, find Search Paths, set Framework Search Paths, Header Search Paths (header file path) and Library Search Paths (library file path):

    • Framework Search Paths:$(PROJECT_DIR)/../sdk

    • Header Search Paths:$(PROJECT_DIR)/../sdk/include

    • Library Search Paths:$(PROJECT_DIR)/../sdk/lib/ios


    After completing the first step to import JCSDKOC.framework and two .a files, Xcode will automatically generate the path. If Xcode does not automatically generate the path, the user should manually set the path according to the directory where JCSDKOC.framework, include and lib files are located.

  6. Set Enable Bitcode to NO

    Enter Target -> Build Settings -> Enable Bitcode in the project and set this item to NO.

  7. Set the parameters of Other Linker Flags to -ObjC

    Click ‘Build Settings’, find Other Linker Flags and add the parameter -ObjC.

  8. Set Preprocessor Macros

    Click ‘Build Settings’, find Preprocessor Macros, and enter ZPLATFORM=ZPLATFORM_OSX on the right.

# Add project permissions

  1. Get device permissions

    If your project has enabled App Sandbox or Hardened Runtime settings, you need to check the following to obtain the corresponding device permissions:

    ../../../../_images_en/sandboxset.jpg ../../../../_images_en/hardrunset.jpg


    According to official Apple requirements:

    • For software released on the Mac App Store, the App Sandbox setting needs to be enabled. See Apple’s official (opens new window) statement for details.

    • For software that is not released on the Mac App Store, the Hardened Runtime setting needs to be enabled. See Apple’s official (opens new window) statement for details.

    • Library Validation in the Hardened Runtime settings will prevent app from loading frameworks, plugins or libraries unless the framework, plugin or library is signed by Apple or the same team ID as the app. When encountering a scenario where the security restriction needs to be removed (for example, it cannot be enumerated to a third-party virtual camera), check Hardened Runtime -> Runtime Exceptions -> Disable Library Validation.

  2. Add the following keys to the info.plist of the project:




Privacy - Microphone Usage Description


Use the microphone for purposes like voice call s.

Privacy - Camera Usage Description


Use the camera for purposes like video calls.

最后更新时间: 2/1/2021, 3:54:49 PM