
# Audio Management

# Audio data management

# Raw audio data

During the audio transmission process, the collected audio data can be processed to obtain different playback effects. There are two circumstances for processing.

  1. Process after audio collection and before encoding;

  2. Process after decoding and before playback When the transmission is completed.

Details are as follows:

  • Process after audio collection and before encoding

Refer to the following steps to implement the original audio data function in your project:

  1. Register the audio collection callback through ZmfAudio.inputAddCallback before initiating business and implement a callback function of type ZmfAudio.InputCallback in this function.

  2. After successful registration, the JC SDK will return to the corresponding parameters of the original audio data collected through the callback function when the audio data is captured.

  3. After the user obtains the audio data, he/she will process parameters in the callback function according to the needs of the scenrio, and the processed data is returned to the JC SDK through the callback function.

Register the audio input callback at first:

 * add mic data callback
 * @param[in] pUser         the callback user data
 * @param[in] pfnCb         the callback
 * @return                  0 on succeed, otherwise failed.
int Zmf_AudioInputAddCallback(void *pUser, ZmfAudioInputCallback pfnCb);

Callback type description:

/** the callback to receive audio input data
 * @param[in] pUser  the user data registered by Zmf_AddAudioInputCallback
 * @param[in] inputId       unique name of the audio input
 * @param[in] iSampleRateHz  the sample rating of the pcm data
 * @param[in] iChannels     the channel number of the pcm data
 * @param[in] buf           the pcm data
 * @param[in] len           the pcm data length
 * @param[in,out] micLevel
 * @param[in] playDelayMS   the play delay ms
 * @param[in] recDelayMS    the record dely ms
 * @param[in] clockDrift    the clock drift ms
typedef void (*ZmfAudioInputCallback)(void* pUser, const char* inputId, int iSampleRateHz, int iChannels,unsigned char *buf, int len, int *micLevel,int playDelayMS, int recDelayMS, int clockDrift);

After the callback registration, you can process the audio data when audio data is collected.

Sample code:

id data; //Collected audio data object
void* p = (__bridge void *)data;
static void zmfAudioInputCallback(void* pUser, const char* inputId, int iSampleRateHz, int iChannels,
                                   unsigned char *buf, int len, int *micLevel,
                                   int playDelayMS, int recDelayMS, int clockDrift) {

    NSLog(@"process audio data");
- (void)call {
    //Register callback
    Zmf_AudioInputAddCallback(p, zmfAudioInputCallback);
    //Initiate a call
    [call call:@"Peer number" video:true extraParam:@"custom pass-through string"];

If you want to remove the callback, call the following interface:

 * remove mic data callback
 * @param[in]  pUser        the callback user data
 * @return                  0 on succeed, otherwise failed.
int Zmf_AudioInputRemoveCallback(void *pUser);

Sample code:

id data; //Collected audio data object
void* p = (__bridge void *)data;
-(void)endCall {
    //Remove the callback
    //Hang up the call
    [call term:item reason:JCCallReasonNone description:@"hang up by yourself"];
  • Process after decoding and before playback

Refer to the following steps to implement the original audio data processing function in your project:

  1. Register the audio output callback through Zmf_AudioOutputAddCallback before initiating business, and implement a callback function of ZmfAudioOutputCallback in this function.

  2. After successful registration, the JC SDK will return to the collected original audio data through the callback function when the audio data is captured.

  3. After the user gets the audio data, he/she will process the audio data in the callback function according to the needs of the scenario. The processed data is returned to the JC SDK through the callback function.

Register the audio output callback at first.

 * add fill speak callback
 * @param[in]  pUser        the callback user data
 * @return                  0 on succeed, otherwise failed.
int  Zmf_AudioOutputAddCallback     (void *pUser, ZmfAudioOutputCallback pfnCb);

Callback type description:

/** the callback to get audio output buffer, when Zmf_OnAudioOutput() invoked.
 * @param[in] pUser          the callback user data
 * @param[in] outputId       unique name of the audio output
 * @param[in] iSampleRateHz  the sample rating of the pcm data
 * @param[in] iChannels      the channel number of the pcm data
 * @param[in] buf            the pcm data
 * @param[in] len            the pcm data length

/** the callback to fill audio output buffer
 * @param[in] pUser  the user data registered by Zmf_AudioOutputAddCallback
typedef int  (*ZmfAudioOutputCallback)(void* pUser, const char* outputId, int iSampleRateHz, int iChannels,unsigned char *buf, int len);

After the callback registration, you can process the corresponding audio data when receive the decoded audio data.

Sample code:

static void zmfAudioOutputCallback(void* pUser, const char* outputId, int iSampleRateHz, int iChannels,unsigned char *buf, int len) {

    NSLog(@"process audio data");
id data; //Decoded audio data
void* p = (__bridge void *)data;
- (void)call {
    //Register callback
    Zmf_AudioOutputAddCallback(p, zmfAudioOutputCallback);
    //Initiate business
    [call call:@"Peer number" video:true extraParam:@"custom pass-through string"];

If you want to remove the callback, call the following interface:

 * remove fill speak callback
 * @param[in]  pUser        the callback user data
 * @return                  0 on succeed, otherwise failed.
int  Zmf_AudioOutputRemoveCallback  (void *pUser);

Unregister callback:

id data; //Decoded audio data
void* p = (__bridge void *)data;
- (void)endCall {
    //Unregister callback
    //Hang up the call
    [call term:item reason:JCCallReasonNone description:@"hang up by yourself"];

# Custom audio capture and rendering

During the real-time audio transmission, the JC SDK will start the default audio module for audio collection. However, for audio devices that do not support the system’s standard API, or if you want to use the audio module you already have for audio collection and pre-transmission processing, you can start a separate capture/play thread to put the audio data you collect/need to play into the corresponding interface of Juphoon to do subsequent operations.

Refer to the following steps to implement the custom audio source function in your project:

  1. Input the playback data collected/customized by the external device to the JC SDK through the interface provided by the JC SDK for subsequent operations.

  2. If you want to stop the input of the playback data collected/customized by the external device, you can call the interface provided by the JC SDK to stop the data input.

The custom audio collection interface is as follows (be called after receiving login success callback):

If you need to use your own audio and video equipment and Zmf_AudioInitialize is initialized successfully, operate the audio equipment in the following callback function;

The interface of audio device initialization:

 * @brief Initialize Audio module of ZMF(Zero Media Framework).
 * @param  applicationContext For Windows, it can be the handle of the window,
 *                 The notification event will be sent to that window.
 *                 Or it can be callback function of type ZmfEventListenCallback.
 *                 For iOS, it must be the Context.
 *                 For iOS, it should be NULL and is ignored.
 * @return  0 on succeed, otherwise failed.
int Zmf_AudioInitialize(void *applicationContext);

The interface of collecting input data:

 * The audio input data entry to ZMF, each callback will obtain the data.
 * Multiple data will mix in the callback of the jssmme Engine,
 * and the first input will be main channel.
 * @param[in] inputId       unique name of the audio input       //Input device id
 * @param[in] sampleRateHz  the sample rating of the pcm data    //value range: 8000, 16000, 32000, 44100 and 48000 depend on the samplimg rate of the external device
 * @param[in] iChannels     the channel number of the pcm data   //value range: 1 or 2
 * @param[in] buf           the pcm data                         //the data sources of the external collection
 * @param[in] len           the pcm data length //the length of corresponding data
 * @param[in,out] micLevel                                       //Volume, value range: 0-100, will return the volume value according to the actual input audio
 * @param[in] playDelayMS                                        // Usually 0
 * @param[in] recDelayMS                                         // Usually 0
 * @param[in] clockDrift                                         // Usually 0
 void Zmf_OnAudioInput (const char *inputId, int sampleRateHz, int iChannels, unsigned char *buf, int len, int *micLevel, int playDelayMS, int recDelayMS, int clockDrift);

Sample code:

//Initialize the audio device
-(void)voiceCall {
    // Input the pcm data fragment with length of 'length', sampling frequency of 16000, and channel number of 1
    //Initiate a call
    [call call:@"Peer number" video:true extraParam:@"custom pass-through string"];


This interface is to input the audio data collected by yourself to the JC SDK.

The interface of stopping collection:

 * Tell ZMF the audio input has stopped
 * @param[in] inputId       unique name of the device  //Input device id
void Zmf_OnAudioInputDidStop(const char *inputId);

Sample code:

-(void)endCall {
    //Stop collection
    //Hang up the call
    [call term:item reason:JCCallReasonNone description:@"hang up by yourself"];

If you want to use custom playback data at the audio output, call the following interface:

The interface of playing data:

 * The outlet which audio output can get data from.
 * @param[in] outputId      unique name of the audio output       ////Output device id
 * @param[in] sampleRateHz  the sample rating of the pcm data     //value range: 8000, 16000, 32000, 44100, 48000 depend on the external device
 * @param[in] iChannels     the channel number of the pcm data    //value range: 1 or 2
 * @param[in] buf           the pcm data to be filled             //External collection data source
 * @param[in] len           the pcm data length                   //Corresponding with data length
 void Zmf_OnAudioOutput (const char *outputId, int sampleRateHz, int iChannels, unsigned char *buf, int len);

Sample code:

//Initialize the audio device
-(void)call {
    // Input the pcm data fragment with length of 'length', sampling frequency of 16000, and channel number of 1
    //Initiate a call
    [call call:@"Peer number" video:true extraParam:@"custom pass-through string"];


This interface is to input custom audio output data to JC SDK.

The interface to stop outputting data:

 * tell ZMF the audio output has stopped
 * @param[in] outputId      unique name of the device    ////Output device id
void Zmf_OnAudioOutputDidStop(const char *outputId);

Sample code:

-(void)endCall {
    //Stop playing data
    //Hang up the call
    [call term:item reason:JCCallReasonNone description:@"hang up by yourself"];


In custom audio collection scenarios, developers need to manage the collection of audio data by themselves. In a custom audio rendering scene, developers need to manage the playback of audio data themselves.

# Audio Device Management

Audio device management mainly uses the methods in the JCMediaDevice class, as follows:

# Turn on/off the speaker

The UI turns on/off the speaker in the following ways:

 *  @brief Turn on/off the speaker
 *  @param enable Turn on/off

# Turn on/off audio devices

 *  @brief Start audio (generally need to call this interface before officially starting a call)
 *  @return return true/ false

 *  @brief Stop audio (usually be called at the end of the call)
 *  @return return true/ false

# Get current audio mode

Only support earpieces and speakers currently:

 *  @brief get the current audio mode (currently only supports the earpiece and speaker for iOS)
 *  @return audio mode
-(NSString* __nullable)getAudioOutputType;

# Turn on/off the speaker

 *  @brief whether the speaker is turned on (for iOS)
 *  @return ture/false

Sample code:

// Turn on/off the speaker
[mediaDevice enableSpeaker:true];

// Turn off the audio device
[mediaDevice stopAudio];

// Turn on the audio device
[mediaDevice startAudio]
最后更新时间: 2/1/2021, 3:54:49 PM